Bitstream 3X MIDI Controller

I just got a Bitstream 3X MIDI controller (BS3X), and have just started experimenting with it. This is a complex and fully programmable device, so I will need some time with it before I have learned the best way to incorporate it my setup. The easiest way to use it is in standard mode where no programming is required on the unit. Simply map the controls in the software you are using. However, what makes the BS3X powerful is the user mode where every assignable control can be programmed. A sophisticated editor allows the user to map these controls based on a long list of device parameters such as “Roland D50 Upper Partial 1 – TVF Cutoff Frequency”.

Just to get started with the device I used the standard mode and mapped the bulk of Roland MKS-80 parameters to it via the reKon Audio VST-AU MKS-80 editor in Ableton Live. For the VCF cutoff and resonance I used the XY axis joystick. This gave me one finger control over both of these parameters for very expressive control of the filter. I also mapped the VCF envelope LFO depth to the ribbon controller for another way to manipulate the filter. In one take using only three controls (the XY axis, ribbon, and a knob mapped to the LFO rate) I performed this drone.

MKS-80 XY Axis Drone

Synthesizer Noise Jam #5

This segment from an extended noise jam was recorded while my Super Jupiter was still in disrepair, although quite capable of creating dark and frightening experimental noise textures. I added some stereo imaging as well as delay and reverb to enhance the dystopian nightmare.

Synthesizer Noise Jam #5

Triggered Minor Nine with Octave Saws

I created this patch today on the unnamed synthesizer that I remain obsessed with and decided to record some triggered minor nine chords whilst adjusting various filter and envelope parameters. Perhaps this will end up as a layer in an ambient piece of some sort.

Triggered Minor Nine with Octave Saws

String Patch Modified with Filter Sweep

I created this patch today by starting with a typical string setting on the synth that I can’t keep my hands off of late, reworking the envelopes, and adding a slow, resonant filter sweep. After playing with it a or a while it reminds me a little bit of a sitar sound, which is coincidental because I was listening to Ravi Shankar records shortly after making the patch.

String Patch Modified with Filter Sweep