Naturally Unnatural

This composition emerged as I was experimenting with the BS3X and the Roland MKS-80. Usually I don’t title these unpublished microtracks that I share here on ACB, but this one came to me naturally.

Naturally Unnatural

Ostracon Debut Excerpt: Entropy Procedure

Here’s an excerpt from the fourth track on our upcoming Ostracon album Unauthorized Modifications. The full track was released last September as a give away for the In/Out Festival, but since then it has been remastered.

Entropy Procedure (Excerpt)

Bitstream 3X Arpeggiator Demo

Here is yet another BS3X arpeggiator demonstration. This one is an unpublished segment from the same session that produced Evolving BS3X Generated Arpeggio hence the similarities in timbre and musicality.

BS3X Arpeggiator Demo

Matrix Demo For Sound Design Class

Here’s a render of a Subtractor bass line I created using Matrix during a Reason demonstration for my sound design class last week. The theme of the demonstration was subtractive synthesis, so I started by initializing the Subtractor and creating a new sound from there. I threw a Dr. Rex drum pattern with a linear sweep on the envelope amount to illustrate automation as well.

Matrix Demo