Although I have weeks worth of back-logged synthesizer sounds of my own I am honored to defer today’s entry into One Synthesizer Sound Every Day to Logan Erickson, otherwise known as Low-Gain. At my request Logan played the closing party for the Eyeo Festival along with Eskimo Spy and Ostracon, so I can claim partial responsibility for his work that evening. But all the credit for these searing, synthetic soundscapes goes to master-modular-meistro Low-Gain himself. Isaac Halvorson was on hand to record the night, and Logan has shared his set for us all to enjoy repeatedly. Click here to download, or listen below.
Synthesizer Phrase Reversed and Pitched up an Octave
Backwards and Up an Octave
Excerpt from New Track in Seven Featuring Synthesized Shō
Here’s an excerpt from a track I am working on for a remote, collaborative project between myself and a couple of talented artists who I’ll name at a later date. I combined some dense harmonic structures using the Shō sound I presented in Synthesized Reed Instrument Japanese Shō along with a sequence on notes that I played in seven-four time.
Synthesized Shō in Seven
Synthesized Reed Instrument Japanese Shō
I programmed this patch on the Roland MKS-80 to simulate the sound of a Sho – a traditional Japanese reed instrument capable of playing dense and eerie harmonies.
Because of the nature of the instrument and how it’s played the reeds tend to vary in pitch so I added a touch of subtle modulation with a slow rate LFO to the oscillator’s pitch so that it doesn’t sound perfectly in key.
Of course my intent is not to duplicate the instrument (it would be impossible to accurately represent the nuances of this fascinating instrument with any electronic device), but to create a synthetic simile with a character of its own.
Image used courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Synthesized Japanese Sho Reed Instrument
Handmade Music Minneapolis Number Eight
Checkout the eighth installment of Hand Made Music Minneapolis on July 25, 2011 at 9pm at the Hack Factory.
This time the line-up includes Rifflord playing heavy music on handmade gear, Mike Hutchins talking about the same gear, Adam Loper playing his modified organ and leslie cabinet, and Dust Buns.
More information is available here