Pay What You Want for Precambrian Resonance

For a limited time Unearthed Music is offering the DRM free 320kbps download for my debut solo album, Precambrian Resonance by Ostraka, for as little as one penny. This album emerged during a year long period of random recordings and sound design experiments exhibited here on during my One Sound Every Day project. Click on the title to pay what you want for Precambrian Resonance. Here’s one of my favorite tracks from the album for your listening pleasure. Thanks!

Three Phase Oscillator

Sawtooth Modulated Sawtooth

This unprocessed, lawnmower-like, drone was generated on the Roland MKS-80 by modulating a sawtooth waveform with the LFO configured as a sawtooth waveform as well. I found the pitch (a low C) on the keyboard that closely matched the top speed of the LFO then manually swept the tuning of the oscillator by no more than a semitone. This is what created the phasing that can heard throughout the recording.

Sawtooth Modulated Sawtooths

Auto Panned and Delayed Arpeggio

Now that I have my laptop back from service I can get back to experimenting with processing on my daily synthesizer sounds. For this arpeggiated sequence I wanted to hear it swimming around in my phones, so I started with some tempo mapped auto-pan, plus ping-pong delay, and reverb.

Auto Panned and Delayed Arpeggio

Nice Accents

This brief phrase from the Bitstream 3X arpeggiator has a nice combination of rhythm and accents. I am well impressed with the huge variety of rhythms, accents, and melodies possible with this feature on the BS3X and I’m not finished exploring it yet.

Nice Accents

BS3X Arpeggiator Driving Tweaked MKS-80

Here’s another arpeggiated sequence generated by the Bitstream 3X. I’ve learned a bit more about the BS3X arpeggiator. For example, there is a keyboard mode that creates a melody based on the notes that are held down on the keyboard. Otherwise a note on the keyboard is the starting point for one of many preset melodies. More later on the details. For now, I’ll shut up while you listen.

Hyper Tweaked Arpeggio