Snow Falling on the North Shore

I rarely experience the near silence of still, late nights in remote areas like the Northern shore of Lake Superior. The quiet was amplified (is that an oxymoron?) by a two inch layer of fresh snow that seemed to absorb the outdoor ambience. The lake was as still as I’ve ever seen it. The combination of these factors made it possible to actually hear the snow falling. You can identify the sound of the snow falling as a high frequency crackling as the flakes touched down on my surroundings. The large wet flakes sound similar to rain. There’s also an irregular, low frequency thumping sound that might be plates of ice gently bumping into each other on the lake.

Snow Falling

Video of the Gestural Music Sequencer

Here’s a video of me playing with my Gestural Music Sequencer. I’ll upload a better version at some point, but I think you can a least get a sense of how you might use this kind of tool (I’m talking about the sequencer, not the performer). As you can see the video has been mirrored so it’s easier to follow your own movements.

To reiterate how the sequencer works, the X axis of the brightest pixel is used to determine the pitch, while the Y axis is the dynamics. The application outputs MIDI data that I’m routing to Reason. I’ve programmed the up and down arrows on the keyboard to increase or decrease a multiplier that along with the 15 fps frame rate determines the time between each note on event. I’ve also enabled a group of keys to adjust the transposition.


Keyboard Controls to Adjust Transposition in GMS

I have recently added keyboard controls to dynamically set the transposition in my Gestural Music Sequencer. I set it up like a piano keyboard, so that “Q” is the key of C, “2” is C sharp and so on. In this example I have the application set to to play a minor pentatonic scale. This makes it quite clear when the key changes. In this case I’m modulating between C and F sharp. I also started with a slower note duration, then switched to a faster one. I would not classify this as a very musical performance. This was part of a test to make sure that all of the transposition key controls were operating properly.

Transposition Controls (C to F# Modulation)

Minor Pentatonic Pattern in GMS

As I mentioned before I have GMS setup to produce specific scales. At this stage they are all based on the key of C. Eventually I’ll set up the application so that the key and scale are dynamically adjustable. I will also include a wider variety of scales, including all the modes, diminished, whole tone, and more.

One thing I haven’t decided on how to approach is timing and tempo. The way it works at the moment is that the tempo is determined by applying a multiplier to the frame rate. In this example I’m dynamically changing the multiplier using the arrow keys to achieve different note durations.

GMS Pentatonic Scale

GMS Producing a Major Scale Pattern

The intervals in a major scale are really the same as a minor scale. What’s different is the starting point. All the pitches in a major scale are the same as its relative minor, which is down a minor third. So the difference between a melody in a minor key and a major one is the root note. The same melody can be minor or major depending on the perspective of the listener. The last pattern I posted is only in a minor key if you consider C the root. If you consider E flat the root, then the melody is in a major key with C being its relative minor. In this case, the pattern is in C major, so if you listen with an A (the relative minor of C) in mind you’ll hear it in a minor scale.

GMS Major Scale