The “for more options” line from the ubiquitous voicemail system.
More Options
The “for more options” line from the ubiquitous voicemail system.
More Options
More from the voicemail system.
Return the Message Senders Call
Once again my friend Chris has left me a curious voicemail worthy of sharing.
Weird Message Number 2
This microtrack is made from three prior One Sound Every Day entries, as well as some quickly programmed beats. The mystery is which entries contain the three sounds used? Have a guess and post all three selections as links in a comment. Grand prize is the recognition of ACB readers around the world! This is not quite the same as the Mystery Sound Number One post from April, but more of a hide and seek version. Each sound is fairly clear in the track, and none of the sounds in question are part of the drum patterns.
ACB Sound Triad
Here’s a recording I made last weekend on our second night of camping during the MS150 fundraiser cycling event. The weather for the ride was actually fairly dry, but in the early evening we experienced a brief downpour after the first stage of the ride in Hinckley, Minnesota. As I waited out the rain in my tent each drop of water that landed made a nice popping sound. The recording sounded much different than I expected, almost like static with a surprisingly wide stereo spectrum.
Rain Recorded Inside the Tent