I’ve been spending most of my limited spare time practicing with the GMS in preparation for tomorrow nights performance in Minneapolis. While practicing tonight I produced this melody. I was controlling the sequencer with a blinking led, spinning top and randomly looped this sequence of notes.
I’ve since built a track around it with more loops from the GMS, but it sounds good on its own. The nice thing about this technique is that everything I capture is MIDI, so if I get a good melody, but don’t like the sound, it’s easy to change the timbre, tempo, transposition, etc. In other words, beyond being a performance tool, I can use it effectively for composition and idea gathering.
My Favorite GMS Generated Melody So Far
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That’s very cool! Reminds me of something you might hear out of the Spiral sequencer in Reaktor– obviously that idea was inspired by the picture :)
Its starting to sound really nice. Are you planning on recording and posting some bits and pieces of tonight’s performance? Being in Atlanta I probably won’t be able to make this one :)
This is very nice, calm, and unique. The GMS never ceases to amaze
Yes, actually! There will be several videographers documenting the event and I’ll be capturing the audio as well. Keep an eye/ear out for an upcoming ACB entry.
@Josh Thanks! Hopefully tonight’s event will not disappoint.
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simply beautiful