This segment of audio from the GMS is an unused section from Chromatic Currents Part II. I had slowed the durations and focused the video stimulus on low frequencies for this part of the piece.
Eerie Awkward
This segment of audio from the GMS is an unused section from Chromatic Currents Part II. I had slowed the durations and focused the video stimulus on low frequencies for this part of the piece.
Eerie Awkward
Since getting Ableton Live 8, I have yet to use it for a show due to performance issues and a lack of time to troubleshoot what’s causing garbled audio. I don’t have the same problem with 7, so perhaps 8 has more overhead. I’ll be looking into this soon. In any case I have had the opportunity to experiment with some of the instruments, including Electric. Although I still prefer the sound of my actual Rhodes pianos, Electric does a great job of simulating them, but more importantly it is capable of producing entirely new Rhodes-like instrument sounds. Here I started with an instrument out of the rack, tweaked it a little and then used it to play a loop I originally captured using the GMS.
Electric Microtrack
Here’s a segment from another jam session using the GMS with Graham O’Brien on drums. This was our second attempt, and performed at a slower tempo than the third piece that I posted excerpts from recently. I’m looking forward to the next session because I’ve done a bit of refining within the GMS code, including some optimization and bug fixing.
I was going to name this project “Particle System” (as in particles of light that drive the GMS), but then I learned that there’s a popular band called “Particle” and decided against it. I’m horrible at naming things, so if any of you ACB readers have any brilliant ideas, let ‘um fly.
Jam 2 Segment
Here’s another segment from the late April MAW outing. Once again the stuck note persists. A vibes patch is in use, and a key change occurs at one minute and seven seconds into the excerpt.
April 30 GMS Excerpt #4
Here’s a third segment from the late April MAW outing. Almost the entire hour and five minutes of this set has a drone throughout the sound. The drone is a stuck note that happened early on in the set. I had yet to create the ability to stop stuck notes. I managed to use the drone for the performance, but needless to say, I fixed the problem soon afterward.
April 30, 2009 GMS Excerpt #3