Mangled, Reversed, Distant and Filtered Piano

Over processing usually leaves you with audio that lacks it original luster, or perhaps it starts to sound like the processor itself. However, sometimes you might end up with something interesting as a result of pushing the processing beyond the normal boundaries. While listening to the garbled piano in the last entry I could hear something haunting about the passage, so I decided that I would try to bring out those haunting characteristics by adding some unrestrained processing to the recording. I started by reversing it and pitching it down a couple of semitones. This brought out a brief harmonic minor melody. Later, after applying some extreme filtering and massive reverb I ended up with this thin, distant, and haunting sequence.

Mangled, Reversed, Distant, and Filtered Piano

Flying 808s

To generate this pattern I loaded a basic TR-808 kick drum sample into one of the most simple Pluggo VSTs called Flying Waves. The controls in Flying Waves are a set of movable cross hairs on a grid, volume and an external sample button. Moving the cross hairs up and down increases and lowers the pitch of the sample while left and right lowers and increases the volume respectively. With a sine wave you can get Theremin like sounds.

After loading in the 808 kick I resampled myself adjusting the cross hairs for a few minutes until I had some interesting patterns to work with. After that I cut and pasted a bar that was a good representation of what I was going for, then I looped it four times and rendered the results.

Flying 808s

Quick and Dirty Ambiance from Hell

There are so many ways to use processing to make scary sounds that it’s almost too easy. The classic reverse reverb in the original Poltergeist comes to mind. This example is a recording of a conversation with a colleague during a lunch break at a busy sandwich joint. It’s been reversed, pitched down significantly, run through a low pass filter, slowly phased, filter delayed and run through a long reverb. All this processing has diffused the voices into a hellish ambient drone.

Quick and Dirty Ambiance from Hell

Untitled Processed Rhodes

I came across this old late night session of sleepy Rhodes melodies and decided to render about fifty eight seconds of it. It was originally recorded on November 3, 2006 at about 12:53am. I love electronic timestamps.

There are two separate tracks of Rhodes, each running through separate processing. I added auto-panning to each track in opposite phase as a quick final touch before bouncing it down. The tracks are also running through equalization, amp modeling, two separate delays, and reverberation.

Untitled Processed Rhodes

Bit Reduced Down Sampled Fuzzed and Resonated

Absolutely nothing is distinguishable in these samples after all the processing that has been applied. My goal was to make a sequence of random samples sound as nasty as possible by applying down sampling, bit reduction, and distortion, then bring it back into something tolerable by applying some resonance filters and reverberation.

I automated the frequency and dry mix of the resonator so I could create some Theremin like pitch sweeping as well as bring in and out the noise of the bit reduced samples throughout the piece. What I ended up with is a palate of odd textures and diffused noise suitable for frightening the neighbors on a chilly Autumn evening.

Downsampled Fuzzed and Resonated