Sound / Simulacra: Holly Hansen

During last month’s Sound / Simulacra on March 28, 2018, we featured artist Holly Hansen. Among many other things Holly hosts t.e.e. (Tuesday Early Evenings), an excellent weekly concert series at the 331 Club in Northeast Minneapolis. It was a pleasure performing with Holly Hansen and Cody McKinney during Sound / Simulacra. Here’s a bit more about Holly’s world, and afterward a couple of recordings from the show that you are likely to enjoy! Holly Hansen (Electronics), John C.S. Keston (Piano, Rhodes, Synthesizers), Cody McKinney (Bass, Voice, Electronics). Recorded by Dave Kunath.

After letting go of her rock band Zoo Animal in 2015, Holly Hansen has been floating around in the world between song and sound. This has lead her to create pieces using guitar pedals, samplers, sequencers and occasionally an instrument or 2. This 2017 recipient of the MECA (MN Emerging Composer Award) has self categorized her music as “weirdo electronic music for the beginning or discerning pallet.”