Artists on the Verge Opening Reception Show

steudel_olsonThis Thursday, July 9, 2009 I am participating in a performance by Andrea Steudel with David Steinman at 9:30pm just outside the Weisman museum in Minneapolis. The performance involves projection, pantomime, and live sound design produced with the GMS. Without giving it away, there will also be things being broken and all sorts of chaotic fun. The performance is part of the Art(ists) on the Verge opening reception which starts at 8:00pm. Here the sound our carts of gear and props made as we wheeled them from the Regis building on the West bank to the Weisman museum on the East bank yesterday.

Rolling Carts

Empty Dumpster Sounds

dumpster_hitchI recorded some sounds from this giant dumpster in the alley behind my house. It’s there so my neighbor and I can dispose of some construction waste that will not be taken away by the city, including wood posts stuck in cement that I dug up while replacing old decaying fencing.

At the time the dumpster was almost completely empty allowing it to resonate for an extended period of time. If I get a chance I will make some more recordings of this metal behemoth.


Foxy Lady by Skink

sparky_with_bourbonRecently I recorded my throat singing friend after meeting him and some other cycling mates at one of our favorite places along the Mississippi river. Here is his beautifully disturbing rendition of Foxy Lady by Jimi Hendrix straight off the recorder with no editing or processing.

Foxy Lady by Skink

Rain on the Tent

river_reflectionHere’s a recording I made last weekend on our second night of camping during the MS150 fundraiser cycling event. The weather for the ride was actually fairly dry, but in the early evening we experienced a brief downpour after the first stage of the ride in Hinckley, Minnesota. As I waited out the rain in my tent each drop of water that landed made a nice popping sound. The recording sounded much different than I expected, almost like static with a surprisingly wide stereo spectrum.

Rain Recorded Inside the Tent