Pop-up Music: Sangre Azur

This the sixth track in a series of mixes that I am creating by improvising on the DSI Tempest synched to the Korg Volca Keys, which is in turn synched to the Korg Monotribe. Minor editing for length and simple processing has been applied, but there’s no extensive post-production or mastering.

I have eleven of these tracks now. In the next entry I will share a link to an album preview on SoundCloud. I didn’t set out to make an album in less than two weeks. However, they kept coming and once I allowed myself to see the tracks as a sort of pop-up music making approach (more about this soon) I allowed myself forgo refining each piece any further.

Pop-Up Northrop: Postfauxpocalypse

This is the fifth in a series of mixes that I am creating by improvising on the DSI Tempest synched to the Korg Volca Keys, which is in turn synched to the Korg Monotribe. Minor editing for length and simple processing has been applied, but there’s no extensive post-production or mastering. Produced in preparation for the upcoming event Pop-Up Northrop: Postfauxpocalypse on October 24, 2013.

Pop-up Northrop: Builders of the Universe

This is the fourth in a series of mixes that I am creating by improvising on the DSI Tempest synched to the Korg Volca Keys, which is in turn synched to the Korg Monotribe. Minor editing for length and simple processing has been applied, but there’s no extensive post-production or mastering. I have also been producing these tracks in preparations for a performance tonight titled Pop-up Northrop: Builders of the Universe.

Tempest, Volca Keys, Monotribe Series: Chimera Crew

This is one in a series of mixes that I am creating by improvising on the DSI Tempest synched to the Korg Volca Keys, which is in turn synched to the Korg Monotribe. Minor editing for length and simple processing has been applied, but there’s no extensive post-production or mastering.

Instant Cinema Work in Progress Video

Jon Steinhorst put together this video preview for our Northern Spark project, Instant Cinema: Teleportation Platform X. It was compiled from footage that was shot during our recent work-in-progress performance at the Northrup King for the Visual Storage exhibition. This should provide a small scale example of what to expect from the final performance on June 8, 2013.