Fourteen Live Mixes from Ostracon: Track 8

Today, please enjoy track eight from fourteen Ostracon live, rough mixes. As I have been saying, if you’d like to hear more from this collection please comment, share, retweet, or like. Thanks!

Fourteen Live Mixes from Ostracon: Track 7

We are now up to track seven from fourteen Ostracon live, rough mixes. If you’d like to hear more from this collection please comment, share, retweet, or like. Thanks!

In Habit: Living Patterns Time-lapse

This video created by Caleb Coppock illustrates the time scope (from dusk until dawn) of the In Habit: Living Patterns performance at Northern Spark, June 2012. I composed the music for the sixteenth and final vignette in the sequence titled, Energy and then adapted it for the time-lapse sequence.

Keep an eye/ear out for upcoming documentation that will display the dance movements in real-time. I also have some video with binaural audio recorded at one of the performances that I will be sharing as well.

Love Lessons from Regina

Here’s another analog synth, electro-funk composition that I have kept in a locked drawer for almost a year, taking it out occasionally to brush of the dust and hold it against the light. If this track doesn’t become your Summer jam then it is time for me to give up on music and wonder When did music become unimportant? Aside from the drums, this track was made entirely using my restored Roland Juno-106. Few instruments rival the punchy sounds that the 106 seems to spurt out with only a few careful strokes of her many sliders. Please enjoy responsibly.