Fourteen Live Mixes from Ostracon: Track 8

Today, please enjoy track eight from fourteen Ostracon live, rough mixes. As I have been saying, if you’d like to hear more from this collection please comment, share, retweet, or like. Thanks!

Fourteen Live Mixes from Ostracon: Track 7

We are now up to track seven from fourteen Ostracon live, rough mixes. If you’d like to hear more from this collection please comment, share, retweet, or like. Thanks!

Fourteen Live Mixes from Ostracon: Track 6

Track six is also from the Ostracon performance at the 2011 Eyeo Festival. If you’d like to hear more from this collection please comment, share, retweet, like, or insert method through which you are comfortable and adept at spreading the word. Thanks!

Slam Academy of Electronic Arts

I have recently accepted a position as an adjunct instructor at the Slam Academy in Minneapolis, Minnesota. With two Ableton certified instructors the school is offering a variety of classes in electronic music, but also stretching out into topics like Max for Live and music for video games. I will be teaching occasional master classes and private lessons that focus on my listed specialties of Max/MSP, Max for Live, Processing, sound synthesis, and jazz theory. Please checkout the school at Slam Academy, or like the Facebook page for more information.

Track Made Entirely with Korg Monotribe

I made this track, titled Crowd Dance, almost entirely using the Korg Monotribe synced in Ableton Live. There are 8 layers of the instrument plus a subtle analog drum pattern that includes the wood block, sampled from an old organ. This is one of several works in progress commissioned by the American Composers Forum for a collaboration with a choreographer. It is music for the opening vignette of “In Habit” that will be performed by the Aniccha Arts Dance Company at Northern Spark on June 9, 2012.