This chord is a good example of open harmony. Open harmony is simply the use of intervals that are widely dispersed to produce chord structures.
This chord is an E thirteen with a flatted ninth. In sequence from the bottom up I’m playing E, F and G sharp as the tenth with my left hand, followed by D, G, and C (all naturals) with the right.
Rhodes Chord E13 (flat 9)
Heh, this may be my favorite series on audiocookbook, and it’s probably the simplest!
I hear this chord and it sounds exactly like one Chick Corea played in “1000 Miles High” — it’s a passing chord, begging for resolution.
And of course Jazz is all about the unresolved resolutions, like resolving this to the tonic major 7/minor chord.
And a half hour’s work, borrowing the soul of your rhodes …
Nice start on a little piece there, Kent. Cheers!