John Keston Performance at Echofluxx14


I’m am very excited to be performing at Echofluxx14 this May 7 in Prague. My performance is a couple of weeks after my presentation at Moogfest in Asheville. At Moogfest I’ll be presenting the software that I have been developing for my Echofluxx performance. It’s a Max/MSP application that does audiovisual granular synthesis. The application allows a performer to apply granular synthesis to sound and corresponding video using a touch interface. The audio and video are accurately synchronized creating uncanny effects. The software also has the capability to capture and repeat gestures so that the performer can accompany the projections with multiple layers and arrange compositions in a performance setting. My performance will include several movements that granulate everyday sounds and images and then contrast them with tones produced using analogue synthesizers. Video documentation is upcoming.

My Echofluxx performance was made possible by a grant from the American Composers Forum with funds provided by the Jerome Foundation.

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