Checkout this video made by Chris LeBlanc. Chris is using LEDs attached to a rotating bicycle wheel as an input device for the GMS. Chris and I had a session recently where I showed him ow to sync the GMS up with Ableton, and the next thing you know he’s come up with a new way of using the software. Nice one, Chris!
Fun fact: My two favorite Surlys are in this video.
neat! I’d be curious to hear it without the kick as well.
it reminds me a bit of something an old classmate did in Montreal a couple of years ago, where he composed a piece of music using his bike as the main instrument: it’s also pretty cool if you get the chance.
it might be interesting to try this with a bike with fixed gearing so you can push and pull the light back around in it’s path.
Thanks for posting the video Natasha, that was a really cool piece. I’ll try a more texture/ambient oriented arrangement next time, for this video I was partly showing how well the GMS sidechains off of a beat. I just like Live’s new sidechaining a whole lot and the GMS really shines with it. Elem: I’ll try it with my fixed gear, I need to rebuild the stem and try it and I’ll post about how it went. Thanks for the suggestions.