I just checked out the latest episode of Motherboard‘s series, Electric Independence, on synthesist Oneohtrix Point Never. I have no argument against his return to the rich tone of instruments like the Roland Juno-60. Just have a listen to some of his work and check the interview above.
Tag Archives: Music
Words to Dead Lips Closing Night Excerpt
As I’ve mentioned in some previous articles, I have been working on a multi-media dance collaboration, Words to Dead Lips, with Annichia Arts since last December that has finally come to a close. We staged three performances at Intermedia Arts in Minneapolis this weekend to a mostly full house. My part in the collaborative effort was to produce the music, and I was given an open mandate to do so. As is my preference, I opted to perform the work to the dance and projected imagery, rather than submit pre-recorded material. Although I adhered to an agreed framework for the soundscape, the improvisational nature of this approach made every performance unique.
The main tool that I used to generate the sound was my Max for Live patch, Grain Machine that explores granular synthesis via a multi-touch controller. I loaded it with five samples including Snow Melting into Lake Superior, One Hundred Sounds in Eight Seconds, High and Low Frequency Drone, and a couple of others for the piece.
Another component to the sonic environment was the noise shield. This device, that I built into saucer sleds, was used by the dancers to synthesize sounds using body contacts and a light dependent resistor. Here’s a five minute excerpt of audio from the closing night’s performance.
WTDL Closing Night Excerpt
Graham O’Brien CFCs Video Featuring Alicia Wiley and Eric Blair
ACB contributor, friend, and collaborator Graham O’Brien recently released an excellent solo album titled Live Drums available November 27, 2010 on NOECHO Records. On it he collaborates with a variety of artists, including the piece titled CFCs with Alicia Wiley and Eric Blair of No Bird Sing. This stop-motion animated video featuring the track was made entirely by 15 year old Malone Mischke. What is entirely surprising to me about the video is the artistic maturity, sensibility and confidence of the imagery paired with the music. Congratulations to, Graham, Alicia, Blair, and Malone!
The Somethin’ Else #5: I, Synthesizer
The Somethin’ Else #5, curated by Jon Davis, will take place Friday, October 8, 2010 at the Franklin Art Works, 1021 E Franklin Avenue in Minneapolis. The theme this month is synthesizers.
I’ll be playing my restored Sequential Circuits Pro-One as well as my preferred axe, the Rhodes in the group DGK (Davis, Glenn, Keston) featuring Jon Davis on bass and bass clarinet, and Tim Glenn on drums.
The roster of artists playing this event has reached a total of eleven for four hours of synthesized madness. Artists include The Radar Threat, Moonstone Variations, DGK, Slapping Purses, S/M, SMAK 10K, Soaking Rasps, Dreamland Faces, Low-Gain, Spacebar, and John Vance.
Here’s one of my favorite live recordings from the last DKG performance to give you a taste of what’s to come.
DGK Live on August 30, 2010 (Track 1)
Jred Smyth Triggered Drum Performance
Graham O’Brien and I really enjoyed our Ostracon performance at the In / Out Festival recently. Part of what made this festival for us was all of the other incredible performers and speakers at the event, such as Rosa Menkman and Peter Kirn. One prominent example was Jred Smyth who gave an energetic and inspired solo drumming concert featuring triggered sounds that transformed the work into evolving structured compositions. Checkout the video clip above of Jred Smyth with Blair Neal on visuals.