Arpeggiated Polyphonic Subharmonics

Here’s another example of manually applying subharmonic frequencies to a musical phrase. I used the Bitstream 3X arpeggiator to drive the Roland MKS-80 then duplicated the track. On the second track I dropped the frequency by twelve semi-tones and ran it through a low-pass filter effectively eliminating upper harmonics and creating subharmonic frequencies based on the original piece. Although this technique sounds good, it’s not exactly practical, so soon I repeat the experiments with some processors that are designed specifically to do this.

Arpeggiated Poly Subs

Polyphonic Synth Passage with Subharmonics

I played this passage of notes on the Roland MKS-80 after spending a couple of days programming sounds. Listening back I wanted to hear more bass, so I looked around for a good subharmonic generator plugin, but didn’t find anything and decided to just add it to another layer, drop the pitch and then run it through a low pass filter. After some customized chorus settings, delay, and reverb, this is what I ended up with.

Polyphonic Synth Passage with Subharmonics

Sawtooth Modulated Sawtooth

This unprocessed, lawnmower-like, drone was generated on the Roland MKS-80 by modulating a sawtooth waveform with the LFO configured as a sawtooth waveform as well. I found the pitch (a low C) on the keyboard that closely matched the top speed of the LFO then manually swept the tuning of the oscillator by no more than a semitone. This is what created the phasing that can heard throughout the recording.

Sawtooth Modulated Sawtooths

Auto Panned and Delayed Arpeggio

Now that I have my laptop back from service I can get back to experimenting with processing on my daily synthesizer sounds. For this arpeggiated sequence I wanted to hear it swimming around in my phones, so I started with some tempo mapped auto-pan, plus ping-pong delay, and reverb.

Auto Panned and Delayed Arpeggio

Nice Accents

This brief phrase from the Bitstream 3X arpeggiator has a nice combination of rhythm and accents. I am well impressed with the huge variety of rhythms, accents, and melodies possible with this feature on the BS3X and I’m not finished exploring it yet.

Nice Accents