Barrio Drop

I’ve had the week off from work so I’ve been able to spend some late nights in the studio. This piece was recorded and produced in only two sessions – long ones. I put aside my usual spastic bass playing and used a different left hand muting technique making for a more earthy or woody tone. I wish I could say I was even close to having a vintage synth collection such as John Keston does but I’m not even close. In this track I’m mainly using Analog Factory. All of the drum sounds were sampled and then programed with the exception of my skillfully played shaker! Barrio Drop is just a working title for now.

Roland MKS-80 Lead

I recently came across this lead produced on the MKS-80 with the GMS during a performance last August. Throughout the recording you can hear the LFO speed changing along with my usual real-time filter adjustments made with the Bitstream 3X.

MKS-80 Lead from Live Set

Sound Sample from Voice Lessons

Voice Lessons is an interactive touch-screen installation that I recently presented during a graduate critique seminar at MCAD. The piece, developed in Max/MSP, granulates both sound and video as the viewer touches the screen while maintaining synchronization. I will be installing the piece again next month for an open studio night on December 9, 2011 at the MCAD Whittier Studios, 2835 Harriet Avenue South, Minneapolis. I will also be sharing more complete documentation about the piece soon. For now, please enjoy this short segment of audio sampled from the piece as it was in use.

Voice Lessons Excerpt