Nils and Graham Goof Off at Rehearsal

bassDuring a recent rehearsal I managed to catch a few seconds of a really nice improvised jam between Nils Westdal on Bass and Graham O’Brien on drums just before we captured a run through of a new piece we were working on. The kick has a nice thump considering that I was only using the mics built into the PCM-D50. I like the way the kick and rim shot pattern counter the bass harmonics. Undoubtedly there’s a loop in there worth experimenting with.

Nils and Graham Goof Off

More Precambrian Resonance Track Previews Available

film_stripAs promised, Unearthed Music has made a few more tracks from my upcoming album, Precambrian Resonance, available as full-length 128kbps MP3 previews on the UEM website. The tracks with previews available include Illuminator Console, Three Phase Oscillator, Travel Glide, Filtered Synth Drums, Chlorobenzine Mistfall, Blitzen Machine, and Cuba Illinois. Please visit the Precambrian Resonance page on Unearthed Music to listen. Also, it looks like advance downloads are available and getting emailed immediately. Here’s Travel Glide.

Travel Glide

Rhythmic Rolling Carts

Here’s another example of the sound made as we rolled our carts along cement paths to the Artists on the Verge opening reception show at the Weisman Museum. At a consistent pace each section of pavement made the cart rattle rhythmically.

More Rolling Carts

Artists on the Verge Opening Reception Show

steudel_olsonThis Thursday, July 9, 2009 I am participating in a performance by Andrea Steudel with David Steinman at 9:30pm just outside the Weisman museum in Minneapolis. The performance involves projection, pantomime, and live sound design produced with the GMS. Without giving it away, there will also be things being broken and all sorts of chaotic fun. The performance is part of the Art(ists) on the Verge opening reception which starts at 8:00pm. Here the sound our carts of gear and props made as we wheeled them from the Regis building on the West bank to the Weisman museum on the East bank yesterday.

Rolling Carts