Inside a Taxi in New York with Ben and Simone

Here’s a nice one minute and twelve seconds long segment with very little talking from an eight minute recording inside a New York City taxi cab. I was in the taxi with my friends Simone Giuliani and Benjamin Montag on the way to Nublu from Simone’s studio where we had been listening to each others music and catching up after not seeing each other for over a year. You can hear rough roads, typical New York cabbie lead footed acceleration, the muffled sound of traffic outside the cab, and my quip at the end in response to Simone saying he was tired as well, “my [lack of] energy is bringing you down”.

Taxi Cab Ride to Nublu

One thought on “Inside a Taxi in New York with Ben and Simone

  1. Pingback: Keston and Westdal at Nublu, NYC Circa 2009 | Audio Cookbook

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